Self-massage for dizziness
Dizziness is a complex problem, sometimes it is difficult to find the cause with western diagnostic tools. Traditional Chinese medicine can approach this problem from a different angle examining the characteristics of the symptoms, the patient’s pulse and tongue. Traditional Chinese medicine distinguish illnesses according to the following: is it caused by excess or deficiency of functions? Is it cold or hot type of problem based on the symptom characteristics? And finally summing these previous three answers: is it yin or yang problem?
After having answered these questions, collecting all relevant data about the patient’s symptoms, pulse and tongue, the Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner can build up the appropriate treatment plan using an individualized acupoint prescription to regulate physiological functions in the body and relieve symptoms.
Acupuncture treatments are used in China to ease, in some cases even end these annoying symptoms. When there aren’t any TCM practitioners around, but you would like to relieve dizziness, you can try a bit of self-massage. Acupressure massage is very relaxing and relieving in the case of various conditions. If you suffer severe dizziness then this massage won’t help: you should talk to your GP for further instructions.
If you are prone to dizziness, it is important you avoid excess of work, irregular lifestyle, too much alcohol or smoking. Very often dizziness is caused by the lack of local circulation which can be improved by regular exercise, sports and for example Chinese medical massage focusing on the local acupoints which can promote blood circulation, smooth muscles aiding recovery.
Here are some useful acupuncture points on the head to massage in order to ease dizziness:
The Taiyang point is in a hollow on the temple, midway between the outer end of the eyebrow and the hairline. Massage gently both points on the temples.
The Yintang point is in the middle of the forehead, right between the eyebrows. You can massage this point firmly.
The Jingming point is below the inner end of the eyebrow, between the eyeball and the nose. It is good to massage this point on both sides gently, avoiding the eyes.
The Baihui point is a very commonly used head point in Traditional Chinese medicine. Many meridians meet here, it is good for headaches, stress and dizziness as well. It is located on top of the head on the midline (which is an imaginary line cutting the body into right and left halves), midway between the apexes of the ears.
The Tinggong point is located right in front of the ears (tragus) in a hollow that appears when the mouth is open. Massage these points gently.
The Yifeng point is behind the ears, it is easy to locate. Press your earlobe to the skin behind the ear, and it is right there at the base of the bone. Massage both sides firmly.
The Fengchi points are located on the occiput in two hollows in the height of the hairline, right at the base of the occiput bone, approximately halfway between the midline and the previously mentioned Yifeng point. You can press these points firmly towards the skull and a bit upward for 5-10 seconds, then release them and repeat it 2-3 times. These points are also good for soothing headaches.
Be gentle during massage, always apply pressure gradually. Massaging these points regularly could relieve dizziness, promote blood circulation around the head and calm the mind.